BOX of MONSTERS is just a fan site done as a hobby by someone who wants to relive some monster memories and try to keep track of the re-issue explosion, and do it with a look and feel befitting those great monster days past.  There are many fine sites out there devoted to the world of classic monsters, but I've never seen one that really re-captures the magic I felt as a child.  Why does the Internet always have to look so much like... the Internet?  So, I figured I'd start my own site, and here it is.

All web design and graphics are by Web Master Jimmy (that's me), unless otherwise stated.  The scary, bald face you see on the other pages was modeled by my friend Sean Goodman (not Shawn as I had previously spelled it).  The primary font you see in the graphics is called Motorhead Grotesk from RotoDesign. You will also come across such excellent fonts as FrankenToho, Creeper, Scary, and Romeo, all of which can be had at The Claw's Font Page.

A special thank you thank you thank you to all those who've made BOX of MONSTERS so fun!

...to be continued!