Self-Install Eyesets
     Human-Like Eyes                         $50.00  
     Custom Lids Eyes                        $60.00
     Rotate-able Eyes                          $70.00
     Creature Peepers                         $70.00

        Foam Filling 
                     Mask foaming*       $80.00 regular mask size.
                                                    $80.00 1 set of regular hands
                                                    $100.00 mask w/ bib
                                                    $120.00 + mask with shoulders
                                                                                      Please Note...
*All foam-filling orders require minimum $19.00 return shipping charge be added to cost of the service. Size and weight of mask may determine actual shipping cost). Prices apply when service is available. Foam Filling services are an out-of-house service, & are subject to the availability of that service to The Mask Doctor. Canadian and overseas shipping may involve substantially higher shipping costs. Inquire when ordering. Be aware that larger boxes can significantly increase shipping costs.

Hairwork, Restorations and In-Shop Work
All proposed in-shop work must be discussed between the client and Kelly Mann before any price can be estimated. Please provide good photos if possible. Email them to The Mask Doctor at; along with a consice explanation of the problem with the piece. Aside from the agreed upon costs of the service, a return shipping price will be added at the time of the estimate to cover return shipping to the client. Some repairs may take longer than estimated. Estimated repairs' criteria are only estimates.

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